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​Who We Are

We are 1st Pencoed Scouts (St. Davids) and are one of the oldest Scout groups in Wales. The troop was fonded over 100 years ago and to celebrate this our neckers carry our centenary badge.

Offering children from all walks of life access to Scouting from the age of 6 through to 14 years. 


​What We Offer

A chance for the adventurous to fulfil their desires. From camping to hiking to pioneering we offer everything for the child that loves the outdoors desires. But thats not all, we also spend time learning how to be better people looking at cultures and belief's worldwide and exploring how we fit into the world as a whole. These life skills along with the fun and sense of complete achievement is our ultimate aim. Helping children develop into young, considered adults who respect others as much as they respect themselves.

Uniforms & Promise

The Beaver Scout


Beavers is a great way to make friends, that you will hopefully keep all of the way through scouting and beyond. The Beaver Scout has a unique uniform in a vibrant turquis colour which makes them stand out from the rest (which is useful when they are so small), but it also gives them their own identity in the Scout troop as a whole.
The badge positions are the same as that of the Cubs and the Scouts, but they have their own set of badges geared towards their age group and abilities. Completing the required Challenge badges gains them the reward of the Chief Scout Bronze Award.


They have their own 'promise' which they need to learn for their investment. 


Beaver Scout Promise

"I promise to do my best

To be kind and helpful

And to love God".

The Cub Scout 


Cub Scouts is a little more challenging, but it comes with the reward of being able to attend camps. Cubs learn a sense of responsibilty and can ultimatley gain the Chief Scout Silver award should the complete the required Challenge badges during their time in the pack.


The Cub Scout Promise is.


"I promise that I will do my best

To do my duty to God and to the Queen

To help other people

And to keep the Cub Scout Law"


The Cub Scout Law


"Cub Scouts always do their best

Think of others before themselves

And do a good turn every day."

The  Scout 


Now Scouts is where it gets really good. Watching a child develop into a young adult capable of taking responsibilty for themselves. The Chief Scout Gold award awaits only the best of Scouts and there are some tough Challenge badges that needed to be completed before they attain it. 


The Scout Promise is.


"On my honour, I promise that I will do my best

To do my duty to God and to the Queen

To help other people

And to keep the Scout Law"


The Scout Law


  1. A scout is to be trusted.

  2. A scout is loyal.

  3. A scout is friendly and considerate.

  4. A scout belongs to the worldwide family of Scouts.

  5. A scout has courage in all difficulties.

  6. A scout makes good use of time and is careful of possessions and property.

  7. A scout has self-respect and respect for others.

© 2015 by 1ST PENCOED SCOUTS. Registered Charity Number 509807  


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