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How to pack your backpack?

For some of you this will be your first trip camping and you might think that you need to bring everything and the kitchen sink (don't worry about that as we have one)!!

On a serious note though, there is a correct way to pack your backpack and a wrong way. Have a look at the picture below and try to pack your bag in a similar way. You will notice that essentials are easy to access, such as your wet weather gear and your torch. If you was to pack your wet weather gear in the main compartment all of your other clothes could and probably would get wet before you found them. These need to be packed either at the top or ideally in one of the outer pockets. You won't need to pack food or stoves! A lot of backpacks have a space for a sleeping bag near the bottom, but this isn't always the case as it can be strapped to the outside or carried separately if needed.

I posted the overnight pack list a few weeks ago, but here it is again for those that missed it. Remember your average cub is still quite small and given the chance will probably wear the same clothes all weekend, so only pack what is essential and please, please, please do not pack any pairs of jeans!! When denim gets wet, it gets heavy, it gets cold and it stays wet!!

Also, if you can put your childs name on their belongings then please do Just picture the mess on their bedroom floor and multiply it by 10 and that is what the inside of their tents end up looking like!

Nights away kit guide.jpg

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