Rememberance Sunday
This year the rememberance parade that will take place in Pencoed shall be on Sunday 8th November. We would like the whole of 1st Pencoed to attend if possible, but we do appreciate that it is not always possible for everyone to attend.
We shall be meeting at 9.15am at Pencoed Social Club in full scouts uniform. Please make sure that NO jeans, coloured trousers, tracksuits bottoms are worn and that a smart pair of shoes or boots are worn (no flourecent/coloured trainers). Collection will then be at the Welfare Hall at 11.45am.
Please also try and remember to wear your poppy.
As it is November the likelyhood is that it will be cold and that it might rain, so please bring a coat.
One day activity forms can be downloaded from here and handed in on the day.